30 January 2013

walking in His will.

I'm the type to stay silent, as opposed to risking doing something wrong, doing something against God's will. But when I look at the big picture of Scripture + look for Jesus instead of searching for words written for ME, then I find truth + know that I need to "rise up + walk" {Luke 5:23} out of my sin + into freedom. I don't need to focus on the do's + don't's, just on Jesus.

too often, I make it all about ME -- I need to share with boldness, not for my glory, but for His.

if we walk in submission to God, with hearts that want to follow Him, we don't need to agonize over every decision. we just need to do something for Him.

I follow His will when I make choices faithfully, using the resources + blessings He's bestowed upon me. when I know Him + He knows me, I can make decisions accordingly. even if I don't always make the best choice, I can be living in His will + learning + growing. grace does the rest.

what does it look like to abandon myself to His will?

what do I look like when I abandon myself to His will?

perfect peace

God doesn't want to hide His will from us. He wants us to walk in it + in Him + He makes His will clear to us when we genuinely seek Him.

and when I do seek + find His will, not only knowing it, but walking in it, my spirit sees renewal. revival. resurgence. there is a deepening of my faith that comes only in knowing that God's love never fails -- even when I do. when I'm chasing after Him, my decisions are made from a place of faith and not fear; not out of doubt + worry, but in complete hope + trust.

He made me this way. I'm going to run with it.

what do you look like when you abandon yourself to His will?

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