1 February 2013

I am a hypocrite

that's right.
it's who I am every day.

a hypocrite.

so often, Christians writhe in fear of having the label placed upon them. they don't want their mouths to say one thing + their actions to proclaim another. none of us want this. it is not our desire, we who are faithfully + fearfully seeking after God's heart.

but how often is it true?

how often do the little things we do fly in the face of what we're supposed to do? of what Jesus did?

when I pass judgement on someone for doing something I've done, or at least done in my heart, I am a hypocrite.
when I lie + tell an acquaintance that I'm fine when I'm really not, I am a hypocrite.
when I when I tell myself I am unworthy of any love or kindness, I am a hypocrite.

I'm coming to think, in some ways, being a hypocrite isn't the worst thing I could be.
I know, I know; hear me out.

being a hypocrite means that my heart is obviously firmly set on one thing, even though I don't always show it. isn't this our every day as Christians? don't we fail daily in our hearts [at the very least] to live up to the name + glory of the One who calls us His children?

we can't stay content in this. hypocrisy is not somewhere to remain comfortable.
but if you find yourself wondering if you're caught up in hypocrisy,
you might just be on the right track.

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