29 April 2013

A BIG Influence Network Membership Giveaway

influence network giveaway
GUYS. I'm wiggly-fingers-excited to be co-hosting a giveaway for not only one, but TWO LIFETIME MEMBERSHIPS to the Influence Network. these normally sell for $200 each, so this is a BIG DEAL.

a little back story, perhaps?

last summer, I heard a buzz around twitter + a few blogs that I had happened upon about something called the Influence Conference. I didn't know much about it, but from what I could glean from my brief research, it was right up my alley. unfortunately, with a baby on the way who would be only a few months old at the time of the conference, paired with few excess funds + not much time to plan [let's not even mention a sold-out status on tickets], I knew I wouldn't be making it. I didn't think too much of it -- I'd never before been to a conference that wasn't geared toward teens, and I wasn't exactly Miss Blogger 2012. {nor was I Miss Love-like-Jesus 2012 either, but grace.}

long story short, when the Influence Network was announced shortly after the conference, I knew I wanted in on it. I got my membership as soon as I was able on January 1st, and through the forums [I've never before thought myself to be a forum girl, but here I am] + classes [they're getting better each month and May's classes have me seriously anxious over which to take] + downloads [free printables! helpful checklists! blogging resources!] the way I view my online life has been rocked. I have not only enjoyed the resources and fun stuff that comes with the small monthy fee, but also the many connections I've made in a very short time. I love this community so much that I am busting out of my introverted comfort zone and flying to Indianapolis this fall to ugly cry + sleep in a hotel bed with women I have never met face to face.

when Heather reached out to the network, asking if there would be any interest in contributing to a giveaway for a free lifetime membership, I didn't hesitate. I have fallen head over heels in love for this corner of the internet and I would love nothing more than to see every woman I know join in on the goodness, the encouragement, the gospel I've found there.

so get on over to Heather's blog and fill out the rafflecopter form to enter this amazing giveaway! 

the Influence Network is not going to change your life. only Jesus can do that. but I can promise you that engaging within the Network will help you make your online life mean something

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